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Monday, September 24, 2007


Happiness is key of good health. A happy heart feels always healthy. The moment you are surrounded with saddness everything looks dark. I always belive in staying happy in whatever situation I am. But to be happy you to have to be alert that you do not get involved in unwanted work. The moment you know that the work you are going to do is not pleasing your heart do not do it. Might be you may feel a little bit hesitated at that time but later on you will feel you have taken a right decision. I will give you an example you have a group of friends who like to disobey their parents and go and enjoy out but you heart does not agree to it please do not do it . Just say no to disobeying your parents they might say things to you that are no pleasing to you but never mind walking on the right always pleases God and he blesses all those who take the right path. Always walk on the right path you feel that happiness which money can't buy.

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